My wife and I were gone this weekend on a retreat with the CRWRC. We recieved a call on Saturday afternoon asking about the school. We hadn't heard any news, and so we were astonished to hear about a school which had collapsed in Petionville.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and people who have lost loved ones, and especially those who are waiting and have not located their loved ones yet.
The school, College La Promesse Evangelique in Petionville, a 3 storried building, was in session on Friday morning when it collapsed around 10am. It was a special day so students were allowed to invite family members and friends and as the school usually has 700 students, its hard for them to tell how many people were in the building at the time. Numbers vary, but it seems that around 200 people are still unaccounted for. Close to 100 people have already been found dead. It is a devastating tragedy. We feel for those who are suffering, and we pray that the LORD would be near them, and surround them with His loving care.
The accident happened on Friday, but they were not able to get any large equipment in until today, Monday. They were afraid of concrete shifting and crushing rescue workers, as well as those trapped under. Since there is so much rubble, there is a lot of work to do. A couple different countries are helping out with the rescue, as well as the U.N. (MINUSTAH) and the police.
The school is located in Petionville, which is on top of Port-au-Prince. And our school, Adoration, is about 3-4 km away, lower down in Port-au-Prince. It is very close,and so this hits home hard.
The news networks can provide us with the fuller story, and keep us upto date, so that we know what to pray for. And we need to pray.
Here are two links to find out more about what has happened and is happening.
May the LORD be near the broken-hearted.
May the LORD bless the work of the rescue workers and give them wisdom, safety, and strength, as they work admist this tragedy.
Our personal blog sharing: how the LORD has been working in our lives; updates of the work that is being done, as we are privileged to share in it; ramblings about what we are learning and have experienced; prayer requests, as we belong to a community of believers and know of our deep dependence on the LORD, as all these things are in Him, through Him, and for Him; and sharing, hopefully, a little of our personality.
November 10, 2008
November 01, 2008
Work Team
Well our work team left us on Friday. It was very enjoyable to have them visit us, and we are so thankful for the work they did and the things they got accomplished.
Thankyou very much Andrew, Peter, Leanne,Tanya,and Nicole. We really appreciated each of you, and the talents and gifts the LORD has given each of you, and how you used these for His honour and glory, and for the benefit of others. Thank-you also John K for coming and visiting, and doing all the work that you were able to accomplish while you were here. It really was a joy.
The Hopps stayed with us for a few days this week, and Heather helped out with the ladies as they did dossiers on the children. Thank-you Heather for all the translating help, and helping put together dossiers on the students.
I don't know if the pictures will be able to be downloaded as I am running out of power. But here are some of the things the team got accompomplished this week.
*Medical dossiers on all the students.
*All pictures taken of students for sponsorship program
*Wall raised.
*Drainage Pipe installed, concreted over.
*Stage for Church.
*Installation of a few Door handles, clips for cupboards,locks,shelf supports.
*Fixing plumbing issues.
*Kindergarten tables redesigned and built.
*Filter for water collection system.
*Helped in Medical clinic.
There is probably more, but this is all I can think of at this late hour. Anyway, it was a great week, we were so glad they could visit us, and help out in so many different capacities.
Visiting Fort Jacques, which overlooks the city of Port-au-Prince.

Installing a drainage pipe, and concreting over it.

Peter surrounded by some of the students of Adoration.

The team members and some students of Adoration.

Picture of the wall which the team raised by two blocks. They also built up the columns to strengthen the wall, as it is really weak.

Andrew fixing and installing some plumbing in the outside bathroom.

Leanne building some benches for the kindergarten classes.

Peter and Leanne building desks and benches.

Peter getting lots of help during recreation from students.

Tanya trading candy for kisses.

Nicole and Tanya helping out in the medical clinic stiching up a patient.

Nicole and Tanya helping with a surgery.

Nicole and Heather doing medical dossiers on the students.

Karen, Tanya, Nicole and Heather doing medical dossiers on the children.

Well, thats all for now, it has started raining and i am losing my connection. I will try to post more tomorrow. God bless. Randy.
Thankyou very much Andrew, Peter, Leanne,Tanya,and Nicole. We really appreciated each of you, and the talents and gifts the LORD has given each of you, and how you used these for His honour and glory, and for the benefit of others. Thank-you also John K for coming and visiting, and doing all the work that you were able to accomplish while you were here. It really was a joy.
The Hopps stayed with us for a few days this week, and Heather helped out with the ladies as they did dossiers on the children. Thank-you Heather for all the translating help, and helping put together dossiers on the students.
I don't know if the pictures will be able to be downloaded as I am running out of power. But here are some of the things the team got accompomplished this week.
*Medical dossiers on all the students.
*All pictures taken of students for sponsorship program
*Wall raised.
*Drainage Pipe installed, concreted over.
*Stage for Church.
*Installation of a few Door handles, clips for cupboards,locks,shelf supports.
*Fixing plumbing issues.
*Kindergarten tables redesigned and built.
*Filter for water collection system.
*Helped in Medical clinic.
There is probably more, but this is all I can think of at this late hour. Anyway, it was a great week, we were so glad they could visit us, and help out in so many different capacities.
Visiting Fort Jacques, which overlooks the city of Port-au-Prince.
Installing a drainage pipe, and concreting over it.
Peter surrounded by some of the students of Adoration.
The team members and some students of Adoration.
Picture of the wall which the team raised by two blocks. They also built up the columns to strengthen the wall, as it is really weak.
Andrew fixing and installing some plumbing in the outside bathroom.
Leanne building some benches for the kindergarten classes.
Peter and Leanne building desks and benches.
Peter getting lots of help during recreation from students.
Tanya trading candy for kisses.
Nicole and Tanya helping out in the medical clinic stiching up a patient.
Nicole and Tanya helping with a surgery.
Nicole and Heather doing medical dossiers on the students.
Karen, Tanya, Nicole and Heather doing medical dossiers on the children.
Well, thats all for now, it has started raining and i am losing my connection. I will try to post more tomorrow. God bless. Randy.
Church Plant - First Week
Last Sunday we had our first service of the First Presbyterian Church of Port-au-Prince. It was a very beautiful service. All 4 pastors participated and lead the service, doing different parts. There were about 120 people in attendance. Pastor Charles preached on Luke 23:39-43, which tells of the robbers who were crucified beside Jesus, when Jesus was crucified. He focused in on 3 points titled, "Salvation Today!" - 1. Knowing Jesus 2.Knowing ourselves 3.Finding our salvation in Jesus.
It was nice that John Kottelenberg could be here to share it with us, and he gave an address at the end of the service. It was also nice that we had a work team here from Canada who could join us as well, and help us prepare to get some things ready for it. And it was nice that all the families of the pastors could be there (a few were missing) as I had not yet met their families.
On Wednesday we had our first prayer service. Pastor Leon led us in it, and gave a devotion on Acts 12, Peter being freed from prison. He talked about how when we pray the LORD breaks the chains that bind us and opens the doors, in answer to our prayers, even when things look hopeless. It was a beautiful evening of prayer, song, and worship.
And on Friday we began our Bible study evening. We are studying the Larger Westminster Confession of Faith. Pastor Leon led the singing, and Pastor Delfis led the study. He explained the neccesity of confessions, and the need to study doctrine, and be alert against heresy's that creep into the church. It looks to be an exciting time as we work through it.
Here are some pictures of the first worship service. I didn't get any pictures of the prayer service or Bible study, as i forgot my camera.

Before the Service - people coming in.

John K giving an address at the end of the service.

Pastor Leon and Pianist leading Singing.

During Singing.

Pastor Charles preaching.

3 Haitian pastors.

The pastors and their wives, and us. (Pastor Octavius Delfis's wife was absent because she was sick.)
It was nice that John Kottelenberg could be here to share it with us, and he gave an address at the end of the service. It was also nice that we had a work team here from Canada who could join us as well, and help us prepare to get some things ready for it. And it was nice that all the families of the pastors could be there (a few were missing) as I had not yet met their families.
On Wednesday we had our first prayer service. Pastor Leon led us in it, and gave a devotion on Acts 12, Peter being freed from prison. He talked about how when we pray the LORD breaks the chains that bind us and opens the doors, in answer to our prayers, even when things look hopeless. It was a beautiful evening of prayer, song, and worship.
And on Friday we began our Bible study evening. We are studying the Larger Westminster Confession of Faith. Pastor Leon led the singing, and Pastor Delfis led the study. He explained the neccesity of confessions, and the need to study doctrine, and be alert against heresy's that creep into the church. It looks to be an exciting time as we work through it.
Here are some pictures of the first worship service. I didn't get any pictures of the prayer service or Bible study, as i forgot my camera.
Before the Service - people coming in.
John K giving an address at the end of the service.
Pastor Leon and Pianist leading Singing.
During Singing.
Pastor Charles preaching.
3 Haitian pastors.
The pastors and their wives, and us. (Pastor Octavius Delfis's wife was absent because she was sick.)
October 25, 2008
Church Plant - begins this Sunday!
Church Plant“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20, 21 (NIV)
Once again God has proven His promise that He is able to do way more than we could ever ask or imagine. Once again I am blown away by how our God works. Once again I humbly write a blog update excited to tell of what the LORD is doing.
So, we have been dreaming of and praying for having a reformed church connected to the school and work being done here, a church which we could encourage people to attend and be a living and active member of, a church in this section of Port-au-Prince. Well, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) are both working here in Haiti, and have wanted to do a church plant in Port-au-Prince too. So we have connected with them, and after much talking, researching, planning, and prayer, we have decided to partner with them, for them to do a church plant here at the school. They will be doing the church plant, we will just be helping them out.
The goal is to establish a presbyterian and reformed church in the capital city of Port-au-Prince: a Bible-believing, prayer-saturated, God-glorifying, Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, outreach-focused, Training-oriented, worshipped-filled, people-loving body of believers.
The Name of the church is (in English), the First Presbyterian Church of Port-au-Prince.
Leadership Team:I am super excited about the leadership team the LORD has given us, and allowed us to work with, for this church plant. Let me briefly introduce them:
• Pastor Benjamin Hopp (ordained OPC pastor).
• Pastor Charles Amicy (ordained PCA pastor)
• Pastor Octavius Delfils (ordained PCA pastor)
• Pastor Leon Amicy (ordained PMH pastor)
• Randy Lodder (director of Adoration)
I am truly excited to work with this team. They have many years of experience, bring many different gifts to the table, and each have a passion for the magnifying the Name of the LORD, and spreading His fame and awesomeness here in Haiti. They also love the Word of God, and the Reformed faith, and see the need for this in Haiti. And also, what I am truly pumped about and thankful for, is Charles, Octavius and Leon are all Haitians: they are indigenous pastors, who know Haitian culture, the language and how the gospel needs to be contextualized within this setting, and have years of experience, and are fully trained and ordained. How amazing is that. (God can and will do way more than we can possibly imagine.) I am truly excited to be a part of their team and learn so much from them, as they have much they can teach me. I am so thankful for that.
A Brief History:
I just want to provide a brief history of the organizations involves, and how it has lead up to this point, with us moving forward with this church plant.
The Presbyterian Mission of Haiti (PMH)(PCA) has been working outside the city for the past 10 years, up the coast, with churches from Cabaret to Saint Marc. They desire to work their way all the way up to the D.R. They have a ministry center in Messailler (close to Cabaret), which includes a Training Center, Church, School, Orphanage, Office and House. (The center has received a lot of damage due to the last storms.) At this stage, they desire to do a church plant in the capital city, as there is no church in the capital at this point. Also, all three pastors live in the capital now, so of course it is on their hearts to have a church here in the city too.
The Orthodox Presbyterian Mission of Haiti (OPMH)(OPC) has their churches on the island of Lagonav. They had also started a church plant in the capital of Port-au-Prince, but this work was closed down in August of 2007. They, as well, desire to target the capital, as they see the need for a presbyterian and reformed church here in Port-au-Prince.
The PMH and OPMH are partnering to form a presbytery here in Haiti. This would allow them to have a governing body over the churches, as well as to further organize training for, and to ordain, leaders (pastors, elders and deacons). This has been agreed to in principle and work is going ahead to form a presbytery in 2009.
We, Adoration Christian School, (and CDIA) are working in Haiti as an Aid Organization, with a Medical, Educational and Spiritual thrust. We have been searching and praying about the opportunity to have a Reformed Church here in Port-au-Prince, which the organization could work side by side with, as right now there is no particular church in which we encourage people to attend and be an active and growing member of. Partnering with the PMH and OPMH is a huge blessing to establish a presbyterian/reformed church which could teach people about the Reformed faith and in which people could have their membership. We are excited about this possibility, to say the least. Again, CDIA is not doing a church plant, nor is Adoration. We are, and will be kept separate from it. It will be the PMH and the OPMH who are responsible for it. But the church plant will be using our facilities.
Starting Date – This Sunday: We are having our first Worship Service this Sunday - Sunday, October 26! I know this is 1 day from now, with not much warning, but things are moving. This service should be a beautiful one as all pastors are participating in it, a board member is here for the occasion, and we have a work team visiting us, who can witness it as well.
I guess things has happened rather quickly, but we have talked about it, sought out advice, planned, and brought it before the LORD. And now we are moving forward, with much prayer, humility, boldness, and expectation.
Prayer:Please pray for us as this church plant begins. We pray that a church may be established: one that is what our vision hopes and longs for: a Bible-believing, prayer-saturated, God-glorifying, Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, outreach-focused, Training-oriented, worshipped-filled, people-loving body of believers. This is Christ’s church and He will build it, and it is for Him. Our prayer is that we may have this as our focus and that we would move forward only in His strength, and for His glory.
Visitor/Team Update:Well, before I sign off, I wanted to give a quick update about the team that is here right now helping us out. Nicole DJ came last week and has been busy doing many, many tasks, from helping in the medical clinic, to building things, putting together teachers’ desks, taking over the office on occasions for us, organizing and cleaning. We are having a lot of fun with her, especially because she lets me win Ticket to Ride every night.
John K arrived on Wednesday and we have been having some great meetings with him and working through a lot of the work that is happening, reporting, evaluating, and planning. It has been a real blessing. And 4 other team members arrived Thursday: Leanne and Tanya from Carmen, and Andrew and Pierre from Carlyle and Glanbrook respectively. They finished their first day of work today, and got much accomplished. They did some concrete work and installed a drainage pipe, cemented a great platform for a pulpit, and have been doing a lot of fix-up jobs. They also plan to raise the front wall next week, and do a few fix-up jobs and build a few things for us. I don’t have any pictures right now, but we will post them as the week progresses. They also brought with them many donations, which we praise God for. Thank-you to so many people who donated materials, clothing, school supplies, etc. These donations will be put to good use, and will be a blessing to many people.
Anyway, I better get to bed, as it is getting pretty late.

Handing out invitations to the church to the patients at the medical clinic at Adoration.

Having a meeting, planning for first service.

The Leadership Team for the church plant, from left to right: me,(Randy), Pastor Charles Amicy, Pastor Ben Hopp, Pastor Ocatavius Delfils, Pastor Leon Amicy.
Once again God has proven His promise that He is able to do way more than we could ever ask or imagine. Once again I am blown away by how our God works. Once again I humbly write a blog update excited to tell of what the LORD is doing.
So, we have been dreaming of and praying for having a reformed church connected to the school and work being done here, a church which we could encourage people to attend and be a living and active member of, a church in this section of Port-au-Prince. Well, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) are both working here in Haiti, and have wanted to do a church plant in Port-au-Prince too. So we have connected with them, and after much talking, researching, planning, and prayer, we have decided to partner with them, for them to do a church plant here at the school. They will be doing the church plant, we will just be helping them out.
The goal is to establish a presbyterian and reformed church in the capital city of Port-au-Prince: a Bible-believing, prayer-saturated, God-glorifying, Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, outreach-focused, Training-oriented, worshipped-filled, people-loving body of believers.
The Name of the church is (in English), the First Presbyterian Church of Port-au-Prince.
Leadership Team:I am super excited about the leadership team the LORD has given us, and allowed us to work with, for this church plant. Let me briefly introduce them:
• Pastor Benjamin Hopp (ordained OPC pastor).
• Pastor Charles Amicy (ordained PCA pastor)
• Pastor Octavius Delfils (ordained PCA pastor)
• Pastor Leon Amicy (ordained PMH pastor)
• Randy Lodder (director of Adoration)
I am truly excited to work with this team. They have many years of experience, bring many different gifts to the table, and each have a passion for the magnifying the Name of the LORD, and spreading His fame and awesomeness here in Haiti. They also love the Word of God, and the Reformed faith, and see the need for this in Haiti. And also, what I am truly pumped about and thankful for, is Charles, Octavius and Leon are all Haitians: they are indigenous pastors, who know Haitian culture, the language and how the gospel needs to be contextualized within this setting, and have years of experience, and are fully trained and ordained. How amazing is that. (God can and will do way more than we can possibly imagine.) I am truly excited to be a part of their team and learn so much from them, as they have much they can teach me. I am so thankful for that.
A Brief History:
I just want to provide a brief history of the organizations involves, and how it has lead up to this point, with us moving forward with this church plant.
The Presbyterian Mission of Haiti (PMH)(PCA) has been working outside the city for the past 10 years, up the coast, with churches from Cabaret to Saint Marc. They desire to work their way all the way up to the D.R. They have a ministry center in Messailler (close to Cabaret), which includes a Training Center, Church, School, Orphanage, Office and House. (The center has received a lot of damage due to the last storms.) At this stage, they desire to do a church plant in the capital city, as there is no church in the capital at this point. Also, all three pastors live in the capital now, so of course it is on their hearts to have a church here in the city too.
The Orthodox Presbyterian Mission of Haiti (OPMH)(OPC) has their churches on the island of Lagonav. They had also started a church plant in the capital of Port-au-Prince, but this work was closed down in August of 2007. They, as well, desire to target the capital, as they see the need for a presbyterian and reformed church here in Port-au-Prince.
The PMH and OPMH are partnering to form a presbytery here in Haiti. This would allow them to have a governing body over the churches, as well as to further organize training for, and to ordain, leaders (pastors, elders and deacons). This has been agreed to in principle and work is going ahead to form a presbytery in 2009.
We, Adoration Christian School, (and CDIA) are working in Haiti as an Aid Organization, with a Medical, Educational and Spiritual thrust. We have been searching and praying about the opportunity to have a Reformed Church here in Port-au-Prince, which the organization could work side by side with, as right now there is no particular church in which we encourage people to attend and be an active and growing member of. Partnering with the PMH and OPMH is a huge blessing to establish a presbyterian/reformed church which could teach people about the Reformed faith and in which people could have their membership. We are excited about this possibility, to say the least. Again, CDIA is not doing a church plant, nor is Adoration. We are, and will be kept separate from it. It will be the PMH and the OPMH who are responsible for it. But the church plant will be using our facilities.
Starting Date – This Sunday: We are having our first Worship Service this Sunday - Sunday, October 26! I know this is 1 day from now, with not much warning, but things are moving. This service should be a beautiful one as all pastors are participating in it, a board member is here for the occasion, and we have a work team visiting us, who can witness it as well.
I guess things has happened rather quickly, but we have talked about it, sought out advice, planned, and brought it before the LORD. And now we are moving forward, with much prayer, humility, boldness, and expectation.
Prayer:Please pray for us as this church plant begins. We pray that a church may be established: one that is what our vision hopes and longs for: a Bible-believing, prayer-saturated, God-glorifying, Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, outreach-focused, Training-oriented, worshipped-filled, people-loving body of believers. This is Christ’s church and He will build it, and it is for Him. Our prayer is that we may have this as our focus and that we would move forward only in His strength, and for His glory.
Visitor/Team Update:Well, before I sign off, I wanted to give a quick update about the team that is here right now helping us out. Nicole DJ came last week and has been busy doing many, many tasks, from helping in the medical clinic, to building things, putting together teachers’ desks, taking over the office on occasions for us, organizing and cleaning. We are having a lot of fun with her, especially because she lets me win Ticket to Ride every night.
John K arrived on Wednesday and we have been having some great meetings with him and working through a lot of the work that is happening, reporting, evaluating, and planning. It has been a real blessing. And 4 other team members arrived Thursday: Leanne and Tanya from Carmen, and Andrew and Pierre from Carlyle and Glanbrook respectively. They finished their first day of work today, and got much accomplished. They did some concrete work and installed a drainage pipe, cemented a great platform for a pulpit, and have been doing a lot of fix-up jobs. They also plan to raise the front wall next week, and do a few fix-up jobs and build a few things for us. I don’t have any pictures right now, but we will post them as the week progresses. They also brought with them many donations, which we praise God for. Thank-you to so many people who donated materials, clothing, school supplies, etc. These donations will be put to good use, and will be a blessing to many people.
Anyway, I better get to bed, as it is getting pretty late.
Handing out invitations to the church to the patients at the medical clinic at Adoration.
Having a meeting, planning for first service.
The Leadership Team for the church plant, from left to right: me,(Randy), Pastor Charles Amicy, Pastor Ben Hopp, Pastor Ocatavius Delfils, Pastor Leon Amicy.
October 20, 2008
First Few Weeks of School
Here are a few pics of the first weeks of school. As you can see the students are thoroughly enjoying the new art ideas their teachers learned at the teacher seminars in the summer. There is also a picture of some of the students with their new glasses! A glasses clinic was held at Quisqueya chapel and we were able to take some of the students there to get their eyes checked. All of them received a pair of sunglasses and some got prescription glasses as well, hopefully it will help them out in school. Also Nicole has arrived safely in town to visit with us as well as get ready for the team that is coming at the end of the week. It's always good to have family around again and we're looking forward to the rest of the team coming in on Thursday.

October 06, 2008
First Day of School!
Well today was Adoration's first day of School. It was an exciting day as we got to see "old" students again as well as meet new ones. The teachers did a fabulous job today with their students, breaking them into good school routines:) Only three minor... maybe not so minor... accidents. Some of the little kids had trouble finding the toilet today but hopefully a few days of showing and reminding them will put them right back on track.
It was so good to start the year off with prayer with our staff asking for a blessing on the school year as well as opening as a school and being reminded to say "Mesi Bondye!" Thank you Lord! We pray that the school year may be a blessing and that it may be blessed! Thank you for your prayers today!
... tried to post a few pics but the internet is going a little too slow....
It was so good to start the year off with prayer with our staff asking for a blessing on the school year as well as opening as a school and being reminded to say "Mesi Bondye!" Thank you Lord! We pray that the school year may be a blessing and that it may be blessed! Thank you for your prayers today!
... tried to post a few pics but the internet is going a little too slow....
September 18, 2008
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