September 19, 2011

One Stop Market

If you visited us here in Haiti before the earthquake chances are that you've heard of, or been to, the OneStop Market.  One Stop, like many buildings, crumbled to the ground on January 12.   When Randy drove by One Stop the day after the earthquake he was pretty conviced that no one had stepped out of the bottom floor alive, people on the street told him otherwise.  God was merciful and had spared everyone inside.

This past week was again a reminder of God's faithfulness. 
Tarek, a good friend of ours (because we can beat him in Settlers and Farkle!)and his Uncle had the grand opening of their new store, One Stop Market.  It's in a new location and it's a totally different store but the management is the same. 
Tarek and Trisha, we are so thankful to have been able to celebrate One Stop's Grand Opening with you and we pray that the One Stop Market may be used for His Glory here in Haiti.
Entrance to the New One Stop

First time entering!

Tarek and his beautiful wife Trisha

Levi perusing the One Stop Aisles

A basket full of Levi

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