May 10, 2007

7 weeks and counting

I think it has been two weeks since our last post, so i will have to get the old brain working to think back that far....lets see...i think i will do this in bullet form to make sure i don't ramble, like now,
  • Well we had some visitors come two weeks ago, and they stayed for a week - two board members: Ed Gringhuis, and Grant Kottelenberg, and they brought with them 2 people, Ed's daughter Gwen, and Grant's brother in law, Joel Groen. So anyway, we had a week of planning, problem solving, and general work around the house.
  • Joel did most of the projects around the house including putting a roof on the shower and a storage area, as well as build a lid for the garbage bin, and fix the roof of the outside washroom, as well as fix up some school benches.
  • We went up the mountain on Saturday and visited the Haiti Baptist Mission. It has a small zoo, a museum, a park, and simply room to walk in nice cool air.
  • On that Sunday, we had a special children's day at our church. They allowed me and Karen to help lead the singing, and also allowed me to tell a Bible story. That was a lot of fun. We had it outside under some trees. It reminded me of camp so much, which was really nice.
  • We have been in the works of buying a vehicle. The paper work is in.....we are just waiting patiently for it all to go through. Meanwhile, our Super-Trooper is working quite well - i am getting quite attached to it - its got a lot of character and it will be hard to park once we get our new vehicle (although i am quite sure that my wife and any passengers we have in the car will be quite ecstatic about the new vehicle, because it is a whole different story when you are sitting in the back or even beside me)
  • we are still language training. I am almost fluent, ....almost, well, okay maybe not almost, but we are making some headway.
  • My wife and I moved out of Coram Deo when the board was here, and moved into the guest house that they were staying in, which is right beside Notre Maison. We basically just needed some more space and time to ourselves. It has been a real blessing living at the guest house. We meet some very intersting people who have come to serve here in Haiti. We also love the quiet time we get at nights - just to process things, and get some down time.
  • we have both been quite healthy in our time here. We both had been sick about two days in the last week - our bodies were beginning to shut down, so we have been trying to take it a little slower this past week to make sure we don't get more sick.

So God has been very good to us. He is blessing us immensely and giving us all that we need. He has brought us to our knees so many times, through struggles and hard times, but that is good, because it draws us to Him. We are learning lots, and being challenged lots as well.

Anyway, that is a very quick update on our life here. I will try to find some pictures to include in this because pictures are nice. Also happy birthday to my nephew, Curtis, to my brother Scott, and to my brother-in-law (in kreol -bofre, just in case you wanted to know) Ryan, and to my mom (on Sunday). Happy Birthday! And everyone, have a blessed May! May the Lord be ever near to you and give you His peace, as you trust in Him and live for Him!

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