July 19, 2007

"Home Sweet Home"

Well we have arrived safely back into Port-au-Prince. We had a very enjoyable month in Canada, lots of visiting and catching up with family and friends which we really enjoyed. Thank you all for your words of encouragement and prayers we truly appreciate it all. We also realized while we were in Canada that quite a few people do check our blog.... so we are going to try to update a little more often to stay better connected.

Since we've been back it's been busy. We have some guests who flew in the day after us from Abbotsford B.C. As we get to talking we realize that we have some close ties with them. One of them had my mom in their wedding party as a bridesmaid! And the other one went on a mission trip to Mexico with my brother in 2000, what a small world we live in! so we have been introducing these men to Haiti we of course made our first stop at Epi d'or, had to get some good "Haitian" food in them after a long flight from Seattle :) Nothing like a burger and fries! And then Randy took them to Coram deo and introduced them to Karen B and the gang their. Today we started off the day with Karen picking up a 53 year women, who had had a stroke on Sunday, and brought her to the General hospital downtown. It was a crazy drive to the hospital... lots of little marketplaces to go through as well as lots of traffic. After we got back to Coram Deo we met up with Pastor Hopp and his wife and their three children, yup you guessed it we met them at Epi d'or as well. Pastor Hopp and his family just moved here at the end of June and are missionaries from the OPC church. What a blessing to have met their family. Randy and I are really looking forward to getting to know them better, their oldest son already invited me to his birthday party next week and informed me that I could bring Randy along as well and that I didn't even need to bring a present. They are such sweet children.

It's been really good to be back, it's wasn't easy to leave family and friends again but we know that God has work for us here in Haiti. It was such a blessing though to have been able to come home after being away for only three months. God has been been and continues to be so good to us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How nice it is to read an update on you blog...keep it up!! :)