February 09, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We are back in Canada! It's so nice to be welcomed home by nice crisp, cold Canadia weather. It's hard to believe our trip is over... we are so thankful to the Lord for the many ways that he blessed us over the last three months. Experiencing many different cultures, meeting fellow Christians all over the world, being reunited with old friends, worshipping in many different languages, and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit wherever we went. And growing ourselves, being challenged and encouraged in our walk with the Lord. we take many special memories with us and thank each and every person we met along the way for touching our lives. And we thank you for staying updated on our lives, for praying for us, encouraging us and being a support for us. You are truly a blessing from the Lord.
We've already settled into our apartment. We are in the country just outside the hub of the universe so feel free to come on over! We look forward to seeing all of yous over the next month.
"The events of our lives,
When we let God use them,
Become the mysterious preparation
For the work He has prepared for us to do."

Hong Kong

Or should I say McDonalds? Most of our time in Hong Kong was spent at McDonalds! We just missed our hamburger and French fries, which we hadn?t eaten in a while. We spent two full days in Hong Kong, the city of sky-scrapers. We were wondering ? how do you fit 7.5 million people in one small city? Sky scrapers? everywhere. It was pretty amazing. There were people everywhere. The first day we had a tour of a few of main attractions in Hong Kong - we went to a market (which is a must do in every town and city we?ve learned), we visited the boat village and toured around it by boat, a jewelry warehouse as well as a spectacular view of Hong Kong from Mt. Victoria. After that we checked out the trade center which is also Times Square, a big shopping mall and toured it and a bit more of the city.
The second day we spent a lot of time relaxing as we were pretty tired. We did visit another market, the ladies market where they are supposed to have really good deals. In our case though the man bought more than the lady.
Then Tuesday we headed for home?