June 20, 2012

A House Becomes A Home

The Philippe family was one of seven families who received a new home during Phase 1 of Adoration’s Home Building Project.  Hendy and Dendy, twin teenage boys, are in Adoration’s sponsorship program in Grade 7, and attend the Reformed Presbyterian Church at Adoration. Their home, a typical 2 bedroom model home, is located outside of Port-au-Prince. The Philippe family will be required to pay back a percentage of the cost over the next 5 years, which in turn will be used to provide housing for more families who are need.
Enjoy some pictures of Hendy and Dendy with their mom in front of their new house and join us in thanking the Lord for providing safe and secure housing for the Philippe family as well as 6 other families in Phase 1.

Photo Fanmi Nou

Kati recently took some family photos for us and posted them on her blog.  I, very legally, have copied them onto our blog.  Thanks Kati for taking our photos and for letting me steal them!  Here are a few of the favourites

Kati = sanity

I don't think I've mentioned much about Kati on our blog these past seven months but Kati is a very importatant person to our family and has blessed us immensely these past 7 months.  Kati hails from Grand Rapids but came to serve in Haiti last November.  She had a busy schedule while she was here teaching at a few schools in the neighbourhood, helping out with youth group at Quisqueya chapel and helping lead a youth Bible study AND on top of all of that she willingly volunteered to come and play with Maia and Levi two times a week... yes you heard that right TWO times a week she came for a couple of hours so I could get out of the house and get some work done for Adoration Christian Centre.  It was heavenly!  Kati has left Haiti and headed back to the USA but we wanted to make sure that we told you all how much we love Kati. 
Kati, we love you and we miss you and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being such a wonderful babysitter and friend.  You have spent countless hours playing play-doh and Barbies and colouring it should last you for the next 5 years.  We miss having you around but we pray for the Lord's blessing on you as continue to serve Him lòt bò.  Your welcome to come visit anytime, the door is quadruple locked but we'll open it for you!  Blessings and Love, Randy & Karen, Maia, Levi

June 01, 2012

Flamingo Lake

We headed out to Flamingo lake last weekend with some friends.  Unfortunately the flamingos were out of town but we still had a fun little excursion.  Check out Kati's blog for pictures!