March 19, 2013

Judah Hospitalized

We just wanted to let you all know that Judah was hospitalized on Sunday night, and will be in the hospital for at least a week.  He has Omphalitis, which is an infection in the belly button which can be very serious.  He is receiving an antibiotic treatments for 7 days and so has to remain in the hospital until Sunday, when the doctors will re-assess.  Anyway, we are extremely thankful that it was caught in time and before it got too serious, and for the medical care he is receiving at McMaster Children's hospital. 
We covet your prayers for Judah, as we know the LORD is the Great Physician, who heals and restores.
In Christ Alone,

March 04, 2013

Its a boy!

With thankfulness in our hearts we want to share with you our joyful news that we received a healthy baby boy this afternoon, whom we have named Judah Josiah, meaning, “We will praise the Lord, who saves, supports and heals!”  Both Judah and Karen are doing well.  Karen was a trooper through the whole day (not to mention the entire pregnancy).  Judah weighed in at 8 lbs 13 ounces.  They are St.Joes Hospital and D.V.  should be coming home (Opa and Oma’s house) tomorrow.  Praise the Lord!

Randy, Karen, Maia, Levi and Judah