December 12, 2011

Playing Catch Up

So... the blog has been silent for a little bit.  I've had good intentions of updating it but it just always got put to the bottom of the to do list.  Well today is the day of doing the stuff on the bottom of the list, it's been sitting there for two months time to get it done!  So here we go...
In October and a good part of November we were able to spend some time in Canada.  Word and Deed has speaking tours every fall and they choose one of their projects to be the keynote speakers at the dinner.  This year the project was Adoration Christian Centre and so Randy and myself did some of the dinners while Kim did the others.  And since we were in Canada we got to enjoy time some special time with friends and family.
Maia hanging out by the pool with Jacoba and Allie

Levi's 1st Birthday!  He's not sure what to think of the sparkler
Photo Op with Grandma and Grampa
My sister Nicole and I after we finished our 5K race in support of Edu Deo Ministries
Playing Play-dough with Lean in Ottawa
Enjoying the green gass with cousins Caleb and Logan
Princess Snowhite with Oma
Reading the safety instructions, in case of emergency....
Thank you to all those who helped make our trip enjoyable.  We did a whirlwind dinner tour on the West Coast and a lot of different people helped to accomodate us and give us a vehicle, Thank You!  Also thanks to Grandma and Grampa and Oma and Opa and Aunt Cole for looking after our kiddos while we traveled around, you guys are the bestest!  And thanks to all those who attended the dinners and encouraged us in our work as well as assured us of your prayers for ourselves as well as the whole organzation, we appreciate you!

October 25, 2011

Adoration recently had a facelift in the PR department.  Our new website just recently went live on the worldwideweb, check it out at
Also check out Adoration Christian Centre on Facebook and please "like" us. 

First day of school... three weeks ago!

sorry, this is very, very, very late post!  I had the blog post done a couple days after school started but of course my internet crashed before I posted... I know excuses, excuses.  Better late than never, right?
The first day of school, three weeks ago!, was once again a reminder of why we are here doing what we are doing.  Seeing the students eagerly awaiting for school to start and seeing the teachers preparing and welcoming the teachers always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.  I love the first day of school.  There is so much excitement for the coming year.  We at Adoration are excited to see what the Lord has in store for this coming year... "There is no one like our God!  Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city" (Chris Tomlin - God of This City)
Enjoy the pictures!
One of our Sponsor students, Denalie, his mother has set up a
pate (yummy deep fried treats) stand outside the gate

The Grade 6 boys trying to not look too excited for the first day of school

Adoration staff gearing up for the first day of school
and laying it all before the Lord in prayer

Randy leading the school in devotions
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength"

Levi's first day of school!

Maia enjoying the first day of school

September 19, 2011

One Stop Market

If you visited us here in Haiti before the earthquake chances are that you've heard of, or been to, the OneStop Market.  One Stop, like many buildings, crumbled to the ground on January 12.   When Randy drove by One Stop the day after the earthquake he was pretty conviced that no one had stepped out of the bottom floor alive, people on the street told him otherwise.  God was merciful and had spared everyone inside.

This past week was again a reminder of God's faithfulness. 
Tarek, a good friend of ours (because we can beat him in Settlers and Farkle!)and his Uncle had the grand opening of their new store, One Stop Market.  It's in a new location and it's a totally different store but the management is the same. 
Tarek and Trisha, we are so thankful to have been able to celebrate One Stop's Grand Opening with you and we pray that the One Stop Market may be used for His Glory here in Haiti.
Entrance to the New One Stop

First time entering!

Tarek and his beautiful wife Trisha

Levi perusing the One Stop Aisles

A basket full of Levi


Adoration is almost ready to start the 2011-2012 school year... all we are waiting for is the government! 
The first day of school was supposed to be in September but unfortunately the Ministry of Education announced late in August that the first day of school won't be until October 3rd.  Since we are a Haitian school and we try to follow the Ministry of Education's school calendar we are waiting till October 3. 
I won't get into all the reasons as to why this is frustrating but instead we'll focus on the positive, the extra time it gives our teachers for planning and decorating their classrooms....

Annelle (Special Ed Teacher) preparing decorations for her classroom

Ilda (Special Ed Assistant) making an Alphabet board

Node (Kindergarten II) and Ketie (Kindergarte II assistant) preparing lesson plans

NB We do have male teachers but they somehow didn't make it on the camera the day I took these pictures!

September 17, 2011


A little over a week and a half ago we dropped the Broersma family off in Belladere.  Cornelius, Mindy and Chloe will be spending three weeks in the countryside immersing themselves in Creole as well as seeing life in the countryside.  It's quite a bit different from city living but really good to get a taste seeing as most of our students have either spent time in the countryside or their famiy is still in the countryside. 
We haven't heard much from Cornelius and Mindy but we do know that they are surviving :) they've gotten a little bit of city power and they are trying to soak in as much Creole as they can.  I'm sure they will update you more on their blog when they get back in a week and a half.
We took the whole family along to drop them off.  It's about a three hour drive North-East of Port au Prince.  We really wanted to take our children with us because Randy and I also spent three weeks out in Belladere three years ago.  We were one month pregnant with Maia and we hadn't been back since then, so we thought it was a good opportunity to introduce our children to some of our friends out there.  They got lots of attention!
Levi soaking in all the attention

Guilene is a member of the Christian Reformed Church out in Belladere,
she is Cornelius and Mindy's host for the next three weeks.

Chloe sharing her toys with the rest of the children

The house where Cornelius, Mindy and Chloe are staying
Please keep Cornelius and Mindy, Chloe in prayer as the countryside can be challenging, fun, exhausting, hot, lonely, exciting and tiring all rolled into one.  Pray that their Creole learning goes well and that they are able to sit back, relax and enjoy this time.

September 07, 2011

Two Man Team

Although Curtis and Andre have been gone now for almost a week, we still need to do blog justice to the time they spent here and the work that they did.  They joined us for 10 vigorous days of work.  Building, degajing, and building some more.  They tiled, built tables, joked, put in a handwashing station, storage depots, joked some more, painted, built a new sun-roof, hung up soccer mesh, and drilled, astaught and mentored some young Haitian men.  Thank you two very much for all of your hard work and for getting so close to completing the never ending job list (not sure if it's ever possible to complete :)
Curtis tiling the front entry

Yder helping with the building

Andre, Cadeau and Dendy drilling to put in piping

This may not mean anything to you... but to us she's a beaut!

Supervisors, Maia & Chloe, checking out the handwashing station
Even Cornelius got his hands dirty a day or two... hee, hee

August 22, 2011

Football Finals

Friday was not only the last day for the seminars but it was also game day. The Football tournament had it's final game on Friday afternoon. Both teams showed up in fine form and it was an exciting game but unfortunately the white team took home the gold. Good job guys!
The pre-game photo op with both teams and Randy

Handing out the silver medals to the red teamProudly displaying their gold and silver medals

Teacher Training Seminars. Done.

The Teacher Training Seminars have come to an end. Once again all the teachers did a fabulous job and all walked away from the week having learned a lot and having been encouraged by their fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Thank you Al, Theresa and Julie (and your spouses for letting you come!) You guys did a fabulous job and we are thankful for your wisdom and creativitiy that you shared with us. And thank you Adoration staff for coming, participating and encouraging the Canadian teachers in the gifts and talents that they shared with us.And you would never guess but Julie turned....70 while she was with us! Happy Birthday Julie! Thanks for letting us celebrate it with you. We pray for the Lord's continued blessings over you this coming year.

At the closing ceremonies all teachers, Canadian and Haitian, were presented with certificates. After the certificates were given out the Adoration staff presented a smallish gift to the Canadian teachers thanking them for their hard work and making sure they never forget them.

Group Shot!

Thanks for keeping the seminars in your prayers. They were truly a blessing and it's great to start the school year off with some great memories, time spent in the Word, and being encouraged in the work of Adoration Christian School.

August 16, 2011

Vacation Bible School

Well the teacher seminars are going on upstairs there is a lot of laughing, singing and hollering coming from downstairs from the Vacation Bible School being organized by the church. The kids were having a great time yesterday singing and laughing and playing games. It's so encouraging to see different members of the church using their talents to serve the children in the community. And to see so many of the children from the community having fun together and learning about Jesus. What a special time!

Madame Delfils is organizing the VBS but I think she is also having the most fun!

Maia and I sitting in on some of the activitiesLunch Time!