March 30, 2010

No-name update

I couldn't think of a title for this post so it it officially named the no-name update. It has a little ring to it, don't ya think.
So it was Monday today, all day i think, and that means that hopefully we got some more work done today.  It definitely means we had many more interesting things happen, thats for sure. Let me try to cap off what the team was working on today - trying to bring all their wives up to date....

We had some gravel and sand (sab) delivered to the property so that we could do some concrete work, along with a mixer. Our Haitian helpers (secondary students and friends) hauled it in one wheel barrow at a time.  In the afternoon, lead by our fearless concrete leaders Derek, Derek and John, they then poured half of the floor for the offices.

Erik and Peter were up on the roof of the office 'structure' this morning putting up trusses, strapping and then the tin.  By lunch we had a very nice shade cover.
Also in the afternoon we started to build the walls for the ti-kay (small house).  Eric nicely laid out all the walls and cut the wood and then 'the guys' (our term for our Haitian friends) went to work nailing them all together.

Erik and Peter were busy this aft trying to find heights for our posts for the ti-kay, and had them nicely laid out, when finally, the Loader showed up and started working leveling out the land and filling in the big hole in the middle of the property.  Not bad - only 4 days late. 

This morning I purchased food again, for our food distribution that we will do on Wednesday.  Kim and Max went to work separating the beans this afternoon, into smaller bags.  We joined in tonight after devotions and finished bagging all the rice and cornmeal.  Tomorrow we need to make a sac of food for 150 families.

Here are some photos to explain a little better what was happening...

'The guys' framing the walls.
 Mixing the concrete...
The Loader working on flattening out the property.  He was able to do it a little quicker than we could...
 This is just a picture on me working...aka, holding a stick.  Just to prove to my wife that I was working hard...
 Derek and John working hard pouring and leveling the concrete.
The same picture of the guys doing the concrete.  This was just to show that it was a lot of work, enough to merit posting the picture twice....Spending time in worship through singing and  praise - Adoration!

This is some of the food that arrived at the end of the week last week.  It was shipped here from the Gleaners.  It is a dehydrated soup mix. We hope to use this when school starts again to make a vegtable sauce for the rice and cornmeal meals.
Last Saturday half of the team stayed home and worked on fixing the 'bridge' over the culvert in front of our house. Over half of it was broken, reducing the road to half.  They re-cemented it.  ...And we drove over it today and it held up.
Another picture of the team closing down the road so they could fix the bridge.  Of course they had all the necessary on the road blocking the traffic.

Eric and Peter taking heights for the kitchen and tikay.

Well, that was today in a nutshell. 
Please continue to pray for the team and all of us, that they would be safe on the job sites, on the roads, and wherever they are, and also in good health.  And we hope and pray that the last 2 work days would be productive and that they can get the projects done that they are hoping to get done. And also that in all things the LORD's Name would be magnified and exalted through the work, our worship, and while spending time with our Haitian brothers and sisters. 
Well, it late, I'm off to bed. Good night. Randy

March 28, 2010

Work Team update

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Col. 3:17

Well, I am finally updating my blog. It has been awhile I guess, so here it goes...

Work on the temporary property for Adoration Christian Center and the church has begun. Last Monday we had about 20 secondary students and parents show up and help level the land a little. They spent the day moving a tonne of soil, filling in the foundation where the "lean-to" is going for the school.

The work team showed up on Wednesday, and they began their work right away designing and planning the layout of everything.

Right away thursday morning they begun putting up a beam attached to the existing property walls that the roof will be run off of.
We are waiting for a loader or a back-hoe so we can level off the land, before we can move forward with the front wall and the roof. We have been waiting for a few days now for the machine, which everyday it is promised it will show up the next day....and so we keep patiently waiting.

The picture above is Fort Jacques. It was drastically damaged by the earthquake, both inside and out. One of the cannons is laying a piece down the hill, and here pictured is inside, where a lot of walls have fallen. We went and toured Port-au-Prince on Saturday afternoon, and had a chance to go up the mountain and visit Fort Jacques and do some bartering at different souvenir stands.

This is a picture of the offices been built for the church and school. Hopefully on Monday we can put on the roof and start putting on plywood, and pour the concrete floor.

Here is John and Max fastening the posts to the wall.
Today we had a beautiful worship in Messeiller (Cabarre) with the Prebyterian Church there.
Please pray for our team as they continue their work, and please pray that we can get a machine in to level the property so that we can move forward with the classrooms. We give thanks to God for the safety and health we have had, and for the work that could have got done so far, for our times in worship, and for fun and nice times of fellowship. Randy

March 26, 2010

Short Team Update

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures but I do have a little info on how the team is doing. They arrived safely on Wednesday afternoon to some really hot and humid Port au Prince weather. Apparently the last couple days have been scorchers.... there is no shade on the worksite so they all burned a little yesterday... maybe the Haitians will start calling them rouge instead of blan :) Their luggage did not arrive with them that first day which was pretty disappointing but thankfully they were able to get it on Thursday afternoon, all 12 bags and as far as they know NOTHING is missing, Praise the Lord!
The goal of this trip is to level off the land and clear it and start building a lean-to off of the one wall which will be for classrooms and depots, as well as build offices for the school administration and the pastors, and build a small house for our security guys - yes they are going to be busy! Yesterday, besides frying themselves, they started with some of the clearing of the land as well as putting up the beam for the lean to. Kim has a few pics on her blog. Enjoy! I'll try to keep you updated as I learn more....

March 23, 2010

Team #1 Post Quake

Tomorrow, si Dieu vle, our first team post earthquake will be heading into Haiti to help with the setup of our temporary location where we hope to run Adoration Christian Centre and the Pastors hope to start up Premiere L'Eglise Presbyterian de Port au Prince again. I ask that you keep Derek Bouwman, Derek deJonge, Eric Hart, Peter Ostermeier, and John Meerveld in your prayers as they head down to Port au Prince to begin the work on the temporary location. Pray that they may have productive work days, that they may best plan their time and resources, that they may be a blessing and encouragement to Randy and the rest of the Adoration team, and that through it all they too may be blessed.

I don't know all the details of what they will be doing... I do have the information somewhere in email but I can't quite understand it, but rest assured that they will be working hard! I'll try to hound my handsome husband to post some pictures to keep us all updated. Below is a picture of the property as it looks right now.

Thank you for keeping Adoration Christian Centre and all those connected to it in your prayers.

March 11, 2010

Short Term Substitute

Since I currently am not present in Haiti and it's hard to write about what exactly the Adoration team is busy with I thought I would encourage you to check out our our co-worker Kim's blog to keep updated on the work that Randy as well as the rest of the Adoration team are involved in. God continues to work in BIG ways in the city of Port-au-Prince... just as the song says "Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this City..." i love singing that song and thinking about Haiti... God is at work there doing great things.
Si Dieu vle our little family will be reunited and we will re-enter the blogging world in the near or not so near future.