September 23, 2009

First day of School!

School year 2009-2010 has started at the ACC (Adoration Christian Center). The teachers put a lot of time and energy into preparing for this year and the children were excited to get back into the swing of things. It was fun to see old students again and to meet the new ones.

We pray that God will bless all that we, as an organization, are doing, that He may continue to guide our steps as we embark on this new year.

Maia's first day of school!

September 14, 2009

Air Conditioner for Sale

One week old air conditioner for sale...

We are very thankful because by the mercies of God we were spared and not hurt by a fire in our bedroom. Our newly installed air conditioner caught fire Saturday night with Maia sleeping in the bedroom. When we caught it, the room was beginning to be full of smoke, and we had a hard time disconnecting the power because the breakers did not stop the power, or the other switches, and we had to disconnect the power from the line. The thing went up in flames just as we finally got the main line disconnected and we were able to douse it with water. But, we are so thankful because the situation could have been a lot worse. If it had been a wood house it would have been up in flames as all the 240 wires running throughout the house melted and burned. Also the bed, which was right under that air-conditioner could have caught fire. Anyway, Praise be to God for His hand of protection!

On the lighter side, Here's little Miss Joy enjoying life in Haiti

September 05, 2009

New School Year

The last month has been a crazy busy month. August is always busy trying to get everything done in time for school to start. Sponsor students need all of their books and their uniforms and their entry fees paid, we start teacher meetings with Adoration's teachers to start planning for the year, Adoration students need uniforms and books, Inscriptions need to be done for Adoration, work teams were in preparing the buidling as well as training the teachers, and on top of all of that it's about 40 degress at 8:30 in the morning so you really don't feel like doing anything. But thankfully, by God' grace, we have been able, with the help of many people both Canadian and Haitian, to get most of these things accomplished so that our sponsor students can start school this week.
Adoration won't be starting school until September 21st. This gives us a bit more time to prepare with the teachers. But the biggest reason for starting later is that we have Kim Gringhuis coming to work with us. We are very excited about working alongside Kim as she has worked and lived in Haiti before and has so much to offer to the organization. She has a heart for the Lord and a real passion for teaching and training which is the next step for Adoration Christian School. Kim will be joining us in Haiti tomorrow, si Dieu vle.
Below are a few pics of some finished products and of the princess...

The finished new classrooms where we also now hold church. It's a lot roomier and fresh inside but still brutally hot!
The sign for the church looking down Delmas 31. It has all the church info on it as well as advertising for the seminary that they will be starting in September. Randy meeting with all of our sponsored secondary students outlining for them their expectations for the year. CDIA has about 50 students that they sponsor to go to High School and we sponsor about 10 students who have different disabilities to go to school as well.

And, always got to end with a picture for the grandparents. Maia enjoying her bath.