June 21, 2010

The Long Lost Post

Well this post was prepared before we left Haiti some three weeks ago or so... so the news is old but it's still good and the events were big and brought a lot of healing.
THE tent is put together and up. While John and Jim came down to visit us again (last time was the time of the earthquake) we thought what better use of time then to get them to do some physical work on the new property :) I think they enjoyed there work and the end result was definately worth it as they were able to experience the first worship service under the tent as well as the school's memorial service.

On Monday Adoration was able to hold a memorial service for our community who lost loved ones. We specifically remembered our beloved gatekeeper, Luc Guerdeson, our Grade 2 teacher, Samuel Marcelin and one of our Grade 6 students, Mackson Aristil. Many other names were mentioned and thought of as well that morning as our community lost many close family and friends on January 12. We were comforted during the service by the words of Job "the Lord gives and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord." It was healing to grieve together, pray together and sing praises together.
The whole student body sang a beautiful song that morning for us all. "Are you ready?" Are you ready to meet your maker and go to heaven, you never know when Jesus will return or when He will call you home.Randy sharing a short meditation on the words of Job.I'm not sure if you can make out the picture below but this is the old Adoration. We've hired a parent of one of our students to take down the building. It's a slow process but they are slowly working away at it. And life at the "new" Adoration continues on. Students are giggling, learning, writing, eating, crying, praying, singing, dancing, playing and enjoying the blessings of once again having a school to attend and dedicated and loving teachers, cooks and directors overseeing the operation of their learning.And before we head off to Canada this is a special one for Carina. Yes, Carina that is a recorder, Maia is learning a very special song so that she can serenade you when we see you in Canada :) We'll be taking a short break from the blog while we enjoy some time in Canada. We are looking forward to family and friends, grass, trees, fresh air and birds. Si Dieu vle, we'll see you in August!

June 09, 2010

A little of this and a little of that

Last week Thursday we were privileged to host a medical team that Dr. Ed was working with from New Hampshire. They came in and were able to see 200 medical patients as well as 25 dental patients. We pray that the patients that received the medical care may be relieved of their pain and healed of their ailments. Thank you team from New Hampshire for visiting us in our new location and being such a blessing to the community!The facilites worked AMAZING for hosting the clinic. Dr. Ed loves his new home and it was great to have so much room for people to sit in shade around the property and wait for the doctors. And Adoration continues to keep on going. The majority of the students have shown up for school and they are LOVING being back in school and we are loving seeing them as well as their teachers daily. We have a wonderful staff whom we love dearly and are so thankful for all that they do for the school and the organization.
And... work on the property continues. The list never really seems to get shorter even though a lot of things are finished already. Right now the big project going on is getting the toilets ready. Randy and his team of hard workers hope to have it ready for Monday so we can say bye-bye to the blue rockets. The bathrooms is the same pre-fab structure as the clinic (we got a good deal!) and we'll be building bathroom cubicles inside.
And the land is slowly getting leveled. Here the bottom layer is looking sharp with it's new layer of gravel. We are working on getting the top layer leveled so that we can put the big tent up for the church to use as well as a waiting area for the medical clinic.
As well the container, packaged in Canada and sent a while ago already, arrived in Haiti. We have collected a lot of the donations that were given to Adoration and are busy distributing them to different students and their families who are in need.
And to end it off, what's a blogpost without a Maia fix?

June 01, 2010

Second First Day of School

Yesterday Adoration was blessed to open it's doors once again. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! It was such a blessing to hear childrens voices talking, singing, laughing, and reciting on the property - definately beats the sounds of hammers and drills! Makes all the work seem worth it and makes us all very thankful for what people in Canada and Haiti have done for Adoration - given finacially, remembered us in prayer, sacrificed time at work and with family to come and help - We know that so much was lost in the earthquake and that so much devastation has taken place but at the same time a lot has been gained. God is good.