December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We want to wish you all a
Merry Christmas.
May your hearts and homes be filled with
love, peace and joy
this Christmas season.


Randy, Karen, Maia Joy & Levi

December 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Just a quick post to let you know that the third time was a charm. We finally made it back home to Port au Prince. We apologize to anyone who was on the same flights as us. We take no responsibility for loss of hearing due to uncontrollable screaming from Maia. After our trip back I don't know if we'll ever fly again!
But... we are back, settling in, enjoying showing off Levi and seeing friends and co-workers again.
If you're looking for something to pray about please pray for Maia, the adjustment back is tough on her and she has this new routine of getting up in the middle of the night and not wanting to go back to bed, it started just over a week ago and has made for some long nights for all of us. We've almost exhausted all strategies - nap, no nap, stay up late, tylenol, gravol, bottle, scream it out, cuddling. Needless to say we are getting tired and Maia needs her sleep!
Thanks for the prayers, we'll post some more once we get a little more sleep and a little more settled.