March 26, 2008

bits & pieces of March break

The last weekend that the team was here our Terrano decided that it didn't want to start anymore :( Randy and Andrew took some time trying to fix it by eliminating what it wasn't... then after the team left we got it towed to Nissan. We have been praying that it will be fixed soon BUT today Randy went to Nissan and they told him they don't know what's wrong with it...they think it's a computer problem. They have a technician coming in tomorrow from Canada who they are hoping can help them out with it otherwise they are going to try to contact Spain - where the car is orginally from - so we've been walking, taptaping, bumming rides and borrowing friends vehicles.
During our March break we took off to the mountains for a few days. We hiked for five hours up to Seguin where we stayed at a guesthouse. We were cold, the real sense of the word cold, not a fan blowing on you at full speed cold! This is the first time we have been COLD since coming back to Haiti in June! The views from the road we hiked on were absolutely gorgeous! It was really neat to be hiking alongside the people. A lot of the mountain people make this hike once a week into Port-au-Prince to sell all of their produce. We saw many women walking the trail with big baskets of produce on their heads as well as many donkeys fully loaded.
And.... we found trees in Haiti! WOOHOO! Real, big, green trees, it was a beautiful thing
Our Easter picture...

1 comment:

Kees said...

Hey Randy and Karen! I'm a (somewhat) diligent reader and first-time commenter....I gotta say I really enjoy reading your updates. I hope you keep safe, also with the food riots. Here in Cambodia, we're feeling the inflation pinch too. I hope to enjoy a weekend in the mountains in a few days as well!

Take care and God bless!