November 07, 2009

More happenings at the ACC

As I was just quickly glancing over our blog I realized that Maia has totally overtaken! There is more going on here...

Adoration Christian Centre continues to be a happening place.

The school is running very smoothly. This year we have 120 students, 8 teachers, and 2 teacher assistants. We have a great team of teachers who are committed to their students as well as encouraging each other. It's a beautiful thing to see them working for the Lord in the school environment. Most of the students are active and healthy and are enjoying their days at Adoration, through the sponsorship program they are provided with breakfast and lunch, an Adoration shirt, textbooks, and most importantly a Christian education. One thing that we have opened up at the school this year that is very exciting is the Special Education Class. We have taken in 10 students with a variety of special needs and have hired a qualified teacher and assistant who are working with them. This class has been a huge blessing as these children would not otherwise be going to school. Now these children have a chance to learn as well as interact and play with the other students in the school.

One top of the regular running of the school the organization also has 60 secondary students that we sponsor. When they are done at Adoration, which ends at Grade 5, the students are sponsored to go to other schools. The majority of our students attend either Chima or Guilgal but we have a few students in other schools as well. Through the sponsorship program these students are provided with their books, uniform, class trips, exam fees and tuition payments. And because most of these students are older they have a few things that they need to take responsibility for. They each have a day once a week that they need to come in and help clean the school and they are required to attend Bible study once a week that is lead by the pastors of the Presbyterian Church.
And while all of this is going on at the school there is also a medical clinic run by Dr. Ed and his two Haitian assistants. Four days a week they come to Adoration and host free clinic days for the community. Through the course of a week 120 people are seen and treated and are also exposed to a short devotion, to share with them the good news and encourage them. These devotions are given by either Pastor Octavius, or Pastor Leon or Randy. Dr. Ed also sees the students of the school who are sick. Kim goes around and finds the sick students and Dr. Ed sees them and Kim administers the medicine to the students at the school.
And then when classes are over, clinic is done, and the school is cleaned the church comes in and uses the property. Premiere L'Eglise Presbyterian de Port au Prince uses the property four times a week for prayer service, Bible study, church services and their theological seminary. The church is active with four supervising pastors and Randy all working together to teach Reformed doctrine. This past week we were able to celebrate our 1 year anniversary of the church plant. We celebrated with church services every night and then a special service on Sunday morning with a social afterwards. It was a full house! One thing in the church plant that we are very thankful for is the amount of committed young men. We pray that these men may become Christian leaders in their communities and in their households.
So that's an overview of what is happening on the frontlines, their is still lots of other stuff going on behind the scenes both here in Haiti as well as in Canada. None of this would be happening if we didn't have the board and committees and volunteers in Canada giving of their time to make things happen. When we reflect on the organization and all the people that are involved, both in Canada and in Haiti, we are amazed at how the Lord has provided and blessed the organization. God is Good!

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