May 04, 2010


I don't have pictures of team members working but I do have proof that they have been working hard. Yesterday they made some major progress on the site and today they are already at it again.
Primer on the offices The sheeted tikay
The beautiful tin lean-to roofClassroom dividers under the lean-to
And, as some of you may have heard, there was another aftershock yesterday. Although the aftershock did not do more damage to buildings and such it does do damage to the heart. Please continue to keep our team as well as the people of Haiti in your prayers as we all make plans to move forward, whether it be rebuilding a school, finding food and water, mourning loved ones, or taking care of our families. May the Lord continue to be our refuge, our strength, and our joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Karen & Randy,

Thank you for posting your pictures and stories. It's very much appreciated by the home front! May God bless you in your work and private life.

Greetings, Klaren Heidema, MB Canada