May 06, 2010


The team is out there working hard. Today is their last day before they head home. They have made some major progress on the property since being here. Maia, Kim and I went for a little visit this morning to see all the work they've done so far... WOW!!! Just being there made us super excited about the possibility of school opening up in three weeks. Things are starting to come together and it's starting to look like a school. God is good! Here some pics on the progress and the little lady in charge.
Here's what she looks like from the back end of the property, standing underneath the kitchen shelter looking towards the officesThis is the new home for the bathrooms. Next week, si Dieu vle, Pastor Ben as well as ourselves have teams coming in who hope to put in a septic tank and build the washrooms. Members of "the" crew doing some major planning and replanningNick working alongside a staff member and a sponsor studentAnne and Rob working hard, as always :)The supervisor on her throne
Frank getting all his tools ready to goCalvin cutting his wood, don't worry the closet is finished!
Kim and I holding the tools so they don't get dusty
And Maia and her assistant sorting donated school supplies, thank you to those who donated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've sorted donated school supplies with Kim before....I hope Maia didn't make any mistakes!! Kim is a tough task-master.....

- Gwen -