Below is Nick Willsie working on putting the strapping on to the lean-to Calvin Nobel is... I'm not really sure, either measuring his thumb or the piece of wood, either way I assure you he is working hard.
Frank Smith is fearless on the roof, we're trying to keep him on the pieces of wood that are nailed together
Anne Heidema busy putting up the sheeting on the tikay
Rob, who we are trying to keep on the roof when working with the tin, nailing in the tin on the tikay
On Sunday we were able to once again be reunited with our brothers and sisters in Christ from the 1ere L'Eglize Presbyterian de Port au Prince. It was a beautiful time of worship and an uplifting message about the Lord being with us through the difficult times in our lives. What a blessing to be able to worship in our home church once again.
And... Maia loving her daddy time
And... Maia loving her daddy time
Go Team Manitoba!
God's blessings to you all!
Tanya (and Earl and the kids)
you are constantly in our prayers. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower"
Mike and Michelle Bultje
Maia is looking very cute with her Daddy....and wearing a pretty pink dress to the job site....I LOVE it! :)
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