May 07, 2012

Haïtî, Couleur, Creole

The Special Education classes put on a special program last week Thursday.  It was the first edition of 'Haïtî, Couleur, Creole'.  A program dedicated to recognizing the achievements of the special education class as well as the dedication and help of their parents.  The whole school was invited to participate in the festivities and afterwards there were special treats and display tables of the students artwork. 
Wislande, Grade 1 teacher, was our MC for the afternoon.  She made volunteers come up and explain what the word Haiti meant to them, the special education classes sang us a couple of songs, parents of the students were given beautiful corsages, thank yous were said to the teachers and their assisants, special awards were handed out to parents of students who had outstanding achievements and thankfulness was shown for each unique individual.
I'm not sure I realize the full extent of what it means to have a child in Haiti with special needs.  These parents and families face HUGE obstacles.  There are no wheelchair ramps, handicapped buses, special community programs for these children.  A lot of them are rejected by society and become outcasts.  I recently interviewed a mother of one our students and she explained the difficulty of trying to get her son into a school and the huge weight that was lifted from her when she found out that Adoration had a program that her son could be a part of.  
Please keep our staff Ketia, Magdalyne, Annelle, and Ylda in your prayers.  Pray that they may continue to pour out love on these children, that they may have patience and wisdom in teaching them and pray that Adoration can continue to provide a loving, safe environment for our special young brothers and sisters.
First Edition of 'Haïti, Couleur, Creole'

Randy explaining what the word Haiti means to him

The parents receiving their corsages
Outstanding Achievement awarded to three different individuals. 
These mothers received the award for their child.

Pastor Octavius hanging out with some of the students after the program

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