May 11, 2012


Three, 3, trois, twa, twee, une,deux, trois, triez,

Oh the many wonderful things about the Number 3 : For instance:


3 is a prime number.

A triad, triplet, trio, tern or hat-trick...

Tri- means three. So triangles have three sides, tripods have three legs and the dinosaur triceratops had three horns. The French flag is a tricolore because it has three colours. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics based on measuring triangles.

Three-dimensional means that something has length, width and depth.

There are (usually) three school terms in a year.

Oaths are traditionally repeated three times.

A three-legged race is run by two people each with a leg tied to their partner's.

The letters A F H K N Y Z are all made up of three lines.

There are three barleycorns in an inch, three feet in a yard, and three miles in a league. Barleycorns and leagues are some old imperial units of length which are no longer used today.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs ... three billy goats gruff ...

So, you can see what all the excitement is about the number 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
And 3 is a big number in our house today as it is Maia's 3rd Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet girl, so thankful for the three years that we have had with you and excited to see what the Lord has in store for you in the coming year.
Love you!


Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Maia!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Maia, hope you had a good day! Love Uncle Cornelius, Aunt Mindy, Chloe and Joel

Case said...

And Karen has not beat me 3 times in settlers yet and Randy uses 3x3 golf balls/hole in Golf.
But for Maia the #3 is wonderful.
Happy birthday Maia and we will see you in 33+3+3 days


Alice Plug-Buist said...

Happy birthday Maia! Love from Jacoba, Jonah, Siomn, Allie, Allan and Alice