May 10, 2012

Home Building Project

A few weeks ago on the Adoration blog we posted about the Building Committee going out into the community and assessing families for a Building Project that we were hoping to start.  Well the project has been started!  We have received funding to build 50 homes for people in the Adoration community.  This project is exciting, stressful, and needed.
The building committee, which consists of Abner, Reminais, Evenz, Asselhomme, Alix, Cadeau, Pastor Octavius, Cornelius and Randy, has been working for weeks already finalizing the list of beneficiaries, making the budget, looking at land titles, finding foreman, signing contracts, preparing the supplies list, and the list could go on and on. 
But today was the first day of being out on the field with the beneficiaries digging in the dirt to start the foundation.
This project is a rehabilitation project to build houses for people currently living in tent cities or other unsustainable interim housing because their houses were destroyed by the 2010 earthquake.  Each beneficiary of the project will be required to participate in a repayment plan where they will pay back a small percentage of the house in the next 5 years.  They are also responsible for working alongside the construction crews with the building of their house, putting their own sweat and tears into their new home.
And the outcome of this project will be families will have safe, dry and warm housing.  Families are included in the project and will have a sense of ownership over their house as they help with the building process, as well as, financially contribute to it.  They will be loved and shown value through the project.  And the committee will bring the families and their new homes before the Lord in prayer, asking that He would be the Rock on which the home is built.
Please join us in lifting up this project before the Lord.  There are a lot of obstacles standing in front of the committee and a lot of things that still need to be figured out.  Pray for wisdom, strength and perseverance for those hot sweaty days when the block truck loses his breaks and can’t make it to the house, those days when the shovels go missing because the little children around the corner stole them, those days when the supplies can’t get to the job site because there is no phone service and they can’t find the supervisor, those days when you just don’t know if the headache is worth it.  Please pray.

1 comment:

Elissa W said...

Dear Randy & Karen,
Wow, what an amazing project! We will definately pray for this big and important project - for your patience and strength - and that the homes will be completed! Thanks for sharing!
Tim & Elissa